Sunday, April 6, 2014

DIY: Dainty Stone Rings

These dainty rings may have started out as a headache, however after several runs to the craft store they tuned out to be darling! My girlfriend, and fellow blogger Natalie  and I made these while I was in town visiting her! We both love the dainty jewerly trend going on right now and wanted to make some unique and fun statement peices to add to our collection! Good luck, and have fun!

Some supplies you will need will be:

-20 gauge wire
- Rings (or the thickest wire the craft store has)
- e-6000 glue
- Different size stones
-Wire Cutters
-Needle Nose Pliers
*all these supplies were found at Hobby Lobby and Michaels

These can be done two different ways, you may find one is easier than the other!

Step One.
(If you are using wire for your ring and not an actual ring) Cut the wire about 2 inches long. Use something round to shape the wire to the size of your finger (I used a crayola marker). Tuck the ends of the wire in or cut the ends off for the "adjustable" look.

Step Two.
Pick a stone! Use the 20 gauge wire and wrap the stone any way you like. Just make sure the stone is secured in the middle of the wire.The stones I got had a small hole in them so I weaved the wire thru the hole and then wrapped it to make sure it would not slip.

Step Three.
EITHER cut off all excess wire from the stone and use the e-6000 glue to secure the stone on the ring.
OR use the excess wire and wrap it around the ring to secure it and then use the e-6000 glue just for added security to make sure the stone does not budge.

Step Four.
Let it sit. Make sure the glue is well and dry before wearing and messing with the ring. (usually takes about 24 hours)

Step five.

We made about 10 rings each, they are so adorable, we even thought these would make great gifts! If you get frustrated at first (which we both did!) just put the supplies down, take a break and come back to them later!

This is just the first of many DIY projects to come. Stay Tuned.

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